Monday, June 13, 2011

Parameter Error at 'Kakao Talk'

     From 17:30 June 8, 2011, SNS service named Kakao Talk is having a parameter error. So alot of service users are having difficulties using this service.

     Currently, Kakao Talk users are up to 15 million people. Users are complaining in other SNS services like Twitter and Facebook. Also, this problem is ranking in the first place at 'Naver's Real Time Sudden Increasing Search Word' One said "If we try to send Kakao Talk message, error message which says 'parameter error' shows up and we can't send message.".

     But, not all the users had the problem. People who use I-phone have the problem, but people who use Android do not have the problem. Also, conversations with specific people only have the problem, too.

     When we start Kakao talk, error message comes out and message sending is impossible. People has their own problems about Kakao Talk. People are now sharing their problems and solutions.

     Parameter error occurs because of the service problems. Kakao Talk had some errors in April and May, too. Also, Kako Talk problems are from hackers, too.

(←Kakao Talk's sorry message)
     Kakao Talk's system operator said that this will be normal tommorow, and this problem is from developing Kakao Talk systems. Also, they said that they are sorry.

Bibliography: ZD Net Korea News, Naver News, Twitter

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